Saturday, October 10, 2009

Autumn Snow

Since it snowed a little on Friday, it's not technically our first snow, but today it's actually sticking. Maybe because it's 18ยบ!! Doesn't look like it's going to snow enough to damage the trees and for that I am thankful. Thursday I did my big, monthly shopping, so I had the car all day, which always wears me out. Ladies Bible Study is on Friday morning, we're doing Beth Moore's "Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman" study this fall and a few of the ladies stay afterward to quilt. For the most part they make baby quilts or lap quilts which are given away at Christmas time every year. I don't quilt, so I bring cross-stitch or crochet. Yesterday I brought some fabric circles with me and made a few yo-yos, which I am intending to use to patch my favorite denim skirt which I damaged by trying to ride my stationary bike while wearing it.  :-(  The housework always suffers when I have the car, because I get so tired, (8 years of living with leukemia), so you can imagine that my house is a quite a mess today, especially the kitchen with the ever-present dirty dishes, which are my enemies, every day. I defeat them over and over again, yet they never give up. It's a stalemate. Anyway, who likes cleaning on a snow day? Probably someone does, but not me. I'd rather be reading or watching movies with a hot tea, some cheese & crackers and an afghan. I have a fresh bottle of Mrs. Meyers' Lavender All-purpose Cleaner for inspiration though. Duty and Aprons call me away to my work - creating order out of chaos! We'll all be glad I did, later on today, when the house is tidy, the dishes are washed, and there's something hot & bubbly, smelling good and tasting yummy. The kitchen windows will be all foggy behind the lace curtains and all will be cozy with yellow lamp light. Then there'll be time enough for lounging about with tea or hot chocolate or spiced cider.