Thursday, April 18, 2013

All Things Hold Together

I have a son who is very intelligent and interesting to talk to – I may be prejudiced, of course, but I think not. 

My favorite subject is Jesus and the Bible; let’s just say that’s not his favorite subject. But I love it when we have a discussion (with him being brilliant and me being suitably impressed) when my favorite subject dovetails so perfectly with what he’s talking about. 


This conversation stands out as a perfect example.  He was telling me about the structure of atoms and how at the sub-atomic level (please don’t expect great scientific information from me) the positive and negative charges on the protons and electrons, in many cases, should cause the particle to fly apart and yet for some reason they don’t.

Enter Colossians 1:16-17 (NAS) “For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities -all things have been created through Him and for Him.  17 He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. 

Turns out our God is pretty smart after all!!



Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Please Take a Stand for these Homeschoolers!!

I am copying this link from Patrice's terrific blog Rural Revolution.  Please, please sign the petition to help these persecuted homeschoolers from being deported!! These people are the kind of immigrants that we should be welcoming to our country.

Rural Revolution


Monday, April 1, 2013

I am so thankful for my good husband, my children, and grandchildren who keep me involved with life, when my natural inclination is to be a hermit. . .

I’m so thankful for all the faithful bloggers out there who create beautiful, thoughtful, and inspiring posts that keep me motivated and educated. . .
And I’m so thankful today for Oswald Chambers, who continues to teach and astound me with his wisdom and insight. . .
“The Bible does not say that God punished the human race for one man’s sin, but that the nature of sin entered into the human race through one man. But it also says that another Man took upon Himself the sin of the human race and put it away, once, for all.  (see Hebrews 9:26).  The nature of sin is not immorality and wrongdoing, but it is the nature of self-realization which leads us to say, “I am my own.”  This nature may exhibit itself in extremely proper morality and law keeping, or in debasing immorality and vile actions, but it always has the same basis — my claim to my right to myself.  
 When our Lord faced either people who had all the forces of evil within them, or people who were clean-living, moral, and upright, He paid no attention to the moral degradation of the one, nor any attention to the moral attainment of the other. He looked at something we do not see, namely, the sinful nature of mankind (see John 2:25).
Sin is something we are born with and cannot change or remove by our own efforts — only God can take away our sinful heritage through the redemption He Himself provided through the death and resurrection of Jesus. God nowhere holds a person responsible for having the heredity of sin, and does not condemn anyone because of it. Condemnation comes when a person realizes that Jesus Christ came to deliver them from this heredity of sin, and yet they refuse to let Him do so. From that moment they begin to set the seal of damnation. “This is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light . . . ” (John 3:19).
From “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers

Thursday, March 14, 2013

How long it has been!!

Where have I been a-journeying over the last four years? Nowhere special or exciting by the world's standards, that's for certain.  I've led a Bible Study for a couple of years, bought a townhouse, moved in. . . (it's been 8 months and I still don't feel settled ;-p)  I have been watching and learning and praying. . .  and still find I need more prayer and more learning. . . more love, more power, more of Jesus in my life.